OUr Community and the world

Service to others and advancing the mission of the Episcopal Church are traditions for our parish, whether it’s support for community organizations or assisting wider Christian ministries that educate, help, and heal.


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Suubi School - bUKEKA, Uganda

Church of the Angels supports the Suubi School in Bukeka, Uganda – a Christian school whose founders are committed to educating the poorest students in the region. Through sales of jewelry and baskets hand-made by the women of Bukeka, our parish raises funds for the purchase of books and educational materials for the school.  

In 2019, five years of book collection and planning resulted in the creation of a 13,000-book library that now serves students and teachers throughout the Bukeka district. Since then, our parish has continued to support the school’s various needs.

GROUNDS FOR GRATITUDE / united thank offering


The United Thank Offering funds innovative ministries and programs within the Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion, and since its founding in 1889, the organization has made grants of more than $140M to various church initiatives. In 2019-2020, UTO funded creation of a new Anglican Pilgrim Centre at Santiago de Compostela in Spain. At Church of the Angels, we designate our weekly coffee donations toward the UTO, and invite parishoners to make small gifts in gratitude for the many blessings in their lives.


FUNDING EPISCOPAL Mission and ministry

Our parish actively supports various initiatives of the Diocese of Los Angeles, including the Bishop’s Dinner, which raises funds for mission congregations and mission centers of the diocese; the Bishop’s Concert, which enables wider diocesan ministries; and ongoing seminarian funding, which supports ministry vocations within our diocese.